DiscoHooks - Discord Webhooks Library

DiscoHooks - Discord Webhooks Library


2 min read

DiscoHooks is a simple library that allows you to send notifications to a Discord channel using a webhook URL.

This makes it easy to create bots that can send messages and alerts to your Discord server.


You can install DiscoHooks using npm:

npm install discohooks
yarn add discohooks


To use DiscoHooks, you'll need a webhook URL for your Discord channel. You can create a webhook URL in the channel settings.

Once you have a webhook URL, you can use the library to send messages to your channel.

Here's an example of how to send a simple text message:

const DiscordNotification = require('discohooks');

const webhookUrl = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1234567890'; // Replace with your webhook URL
const discord = new DiscordNotification(webhookUrl);

discord.send('Hello, world!');

You can also use the library to send more advanced messages with embedded content, such as images and links.

const DiscordNotification = require('discohooks');

const webhookUrl = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1234567890'; // Replace with your webhook URL
const discord = new DiscordNotification(webhookUrl);

discord.send('Check out this cool image!', {
  username: 'Cool Bot',
  avatar_url: 'https://example.com/avatar.png',
}, {
  title: 'Cool Image',
  image: {
    url: 'https://example.com/image.png',

If you find a bug or would like to contribute to DiscoHooks, please open an issue or pull request on the GitHub repository.


DiscoHooks is a simple and easy-to-use library for sending notifications to Discord. Whether you're creating a bot or just want to send messages to your server, DiscoHooks can help you get the job done quickly and easily.